Photopolymer pad printing plates
Boston Industrial Solutions, Inc. is the largest photopolymer pad printing plates (cliché) supplier in the USA. We offer a complete line of traditional photosensitive alcohol wash printing plates and waterwash plates. In addition to the photopolymer plate material, we offer a wide selection of pad printing supplies and pad printer machines to assist with plate-making process.
Boston Industrial Solutions, Inc. offers many different types of printing plates.
Alcohol Wash Plates:
Alcohol Wash Red: These polymer plates have a thickness of .020″ and have a red color before and after exposure. These high quality plates have exceptional durability and image reproduction and also have a premium price. Typical life of this pad printing plate material is up to 75,000 impressions.
Alcohol Wash Gray: These extremely popular polymer plates have a standard thickness of .017″ and have a light gray color prior to exposure and an olive color after exposure. These reliable printing plates yield consistent, quality etches and are cost effective. Typical life of these plates is up to 25,000 impressions.
Water Wash Plates:
Water Wash Orange: These photopolymer plates have a thickness of .019″ and have a light red before and after exposure. They have a matte finish which enables excellent contact between film and plate. These printing plates are known for quality graphics. In addition, the water wash orange plates exhibit improved scratch resistance for longer production cycles. Typical life of this pad printing plate is 25,000 impressions.
Water Wash Light Green: These polymer plates have a thickness of .018″ and are light green in color before and after exposure. Water wash light green lates have good quality images. The cost for the water wash light green plates is very effective. Lastly, these plates have an average scratch resistance. Typical life of these plates is 25,000 impressions.
Water Wash Gold: These polymer plates have a thickness of .018″ and are light green in color before and after exposure. This plate material is known for its ability to reproduce quality images at a cost effective price with average scratch resistance. Typical life of these plates is 25,000 impressions.
Have questions about plates for pad printing? Contact us today or visit our support hub for more answers. Lastly, here is a step by step guide for etching polymer plates.