Woburn, Massachusetts – Ink manufacturing company, Boston Industrial Solutions, Inc. announces the arrival of the Type SS™ Solvent.

Silicone inks have primarily been restricted to one or two solvents due to their nature—silicone inks are not opaque and do not air dry. Natron™ Silicone ink lines are the exception. The SE and DC™ silicone inks air dry and are very opaque. As a result, these inks can be thinned without the loss of opacity. Depending on the climatic conditions, the SE-TR & SE-TRM can at times dry fast.

This would cause screens to lock. To solve this, Boston Industrial Solutions, Inc. has developed a new solvent, called “Type SS™ Solvent,” that allows for slower drying time of silicone ink when printing.

The Type SS™ Solvent has been developed to aid customers printing with silicone inks in dry climatic conditions.

The Type SS™ Solvent characteristics:

  • It helps keep the ink wet during pad or screen printing for a long time
  • Extends the pot-life of the silicone inks, and
  • Enables screen stability and improves ink print-ability

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This new innovation in silicone ink printing gives an option to customers who print silicone rubber in dry conditions.  This solvent fills the void left by our SE-TR (fast drying solvent) and SE-TRM Solvent (medium drying solvent) when printing with the SE™ Silicone ink or the DC™ silicone ink lines.  Just like the our other solvents, the Type SS™ Solvent keeps the ink wet for longer period of time and still allows for optimal ink adhesion.  Printers and Decorators Worldwide can now take advantage of the benefits offered by the Type SS™ solvent: economic value, durability, and screen stability.

The Type SS™ solvent is available in 8oz, 16oz, 1Quart & 1 Gallon containers.

For more information on the Type SS™ -TR Solvent, SE™, DC™ Silicone ink, please visit: https://bostonindustrialsolutions.com/se-silicone-inks/

Boston Industrial Solutions, Inc. manufactures and provides advanced printing inks, equipment, supplies, and solutions to industrial, medical, toys, and promotional companies worldwide. Boston Industrial Solutions, Inc. is the global leader of silicone inks worldwide. For more company news and new products, visit www.bostonindustrialsolutions.com/news/